Scott Carpenter
Roger. Understand. I, my control mode is fly-by-wire, gyros normal, maneuver off. I am picking up retroattitude and automatic control very shortly. Over.
Scott Carpenter
Roger. Fuel 103-100 [percent]. Oxygen 89-100 [percent]. All the power is good. Aurora seven status is Go in all respects. Over.
Scott Carpenter
I have, west of your station, many whirls and vortices of cloud patterns. Pictures at this time—2, 3, 4, 5. Control mode is now automatic. I have the booster directly below me. I think my attitude is not in agreement with the instruments. It's probably because of that gyro free period. Outside of a minor difference in attitude indications, everything is proceeding normally.
Scott Carpenter
Roger. Canary, TS plus 5 is verified. Manual is satisfactory in all axes. Fly-by-wire and auto is satisfactory, all axes. Aux Damp is okay also. Over.
Roger. I have copied. I have new end of orbit, end of mission and 1 Bravo times for you. Are you prepared to copy?
Roger. End of orbit time 01 28 17. End of mission, 04 32 27. 1 Bravo 16 plus 56. Did you copy? Over.
Roger. Apogee altitude is 143 [nautical miles]. Perigee 86 [nautical miles]. Did you copy? Over.
Roger. Here are sunrise and sunset times. Sunrise orbit one: 1 plus 21 plus 00. Sunrise, orbit two: 2 plus 50 plus 00. Sunrise, orbit three: 4 plus 19 plus 00.
Scott Carpenter
Roger, Canary. I'm going to have loss of signal before I get these. I want to get some pictures. Have Muchea, or, correction, have Kano send these to me in this order: Sunset, sunrise, sunset, sunrise, break, break. Did you copy?
Blood-pressure check, please. Hold your button for 4 seconds and then go through the short report.
Scott Carpenter
Roger. Blood-pressure start, nob'. My status is good. The capsule status is good. Furl is 99-98 [percent]. Oxygen, 89-100 [percent]. Cabin is holding good. All d-c power is good. All a-c power is good, 22 amps. Everything is green and you should be reading blood pressure. Over.
Roger, Aurora Seven. Are you going to be doing your caging, uncaging procedure now? Over.
Expand selection up Contract selection down Close -
Scott Carpenter
Roger. I—am a little behind in the flight plan at this moment. I have been unable at this time to install the MIT film. I finally have it. I'll go through the gyro uncaging procedure very shortly.
Scott Carpenter
Roger. My mode is auto, gyro normal, maneuver off.
Expand selection down Contract selection up -
Aurora Seven, Kano Cap Com. Be sure you're on fly-by-wire before going through the procedures for uncaging.
Scott Carpenter
I'm going to be unable to complete the MIT pictures on this pass, I believe. Negative, negative, I can fix the problem. Too much film was out of the canister, that was the problem. Film is now in tight. The small back going on now.
Scott Carpenter
At 00 29 43, the first time I was able to get horizon pictures with MIT film. Set at F8 and 125th. A picture to the south into the sun, directly down my flight path is number two. Number three, 15 degrees north at capsule elapse 00 30 17.
Scott Carpenter
Stowing the camera at this time. Going to the gyro uncaging procedure at this time. Fly-by-wire, now. Gyros going to cage. Maneuver at this point is on.
Comm Tech
Aurora Seven, Aurora Seven, Aurora Seven. This is I.O.S. Com Tech on HF and UHF. How do you read? Over.
Scott Carpenter
At 00 34 28, I'm increasing the cabin water valve and the suit valve to 6 [degrees]. Steam vent temperature now reads 65 and 75 [degrees].
Scott Carpenter
I'm using the airglow filter at this time. Visor is coming open for a better look at that. Hello, Indian Cap Com, Aurora Seven. Do you read?
Scott Carpenter
Maneuver [switch] is going off at this time, and I'm going to aline manually to retroattitude.
Scott Carpenter
Okay. That took me some time to aline my attitudes properly. Three more pictures with MIT film: 2, 3, directly into the sun at an elapsed time of 00 39 42.
Scott Carpenter
The big back is going on the camera at this time. There was a period there when nothing was recorded because I was in VOX power off, instead of record. The big …
Scott Carpenter
Oh, its' dark, that's what happened. It's facing a dark earth. Sunset F16 to F, okay; we'll start with F16. Up north, coming south. Try some at 250.
Scott Carpenter
F5.6 That was those last four, were F3.8. It's quite dark. I didn't begin to get time to dark-adapt.
Scott Carpenter
Photo lights are off. Cabin lights are going to red at this time. Oh, man, a wide, a beautiful, beautiful red like in John's pictures. Going to fly-by-wire.
Scott Carpenter
I see at this point; I'm not sure I am recording on VOX record. I will go to transmit. I have Venus, now approaching the horizon.
Scott Carpenter
It's about 30 degrees up. It's just coming into view. Bright and unblinking. I cannot—I can see some other stars down below Venus. Going back to ASCS than at this time.
Scott Carpenter
Bright, bright blue horizon band as the sun gets lower and lower—the horizon band still glows. It looks like five times the width of the—the diameter of the sun. I'm at—now at 00 47 34 elapsed.
Scott Carpenter
My fuel reads 75-100 [percent] at this time. The window—is Venus occlude. No, that—that is not correct. Venus did not occlude. I'm getting out the equipment to measure Venus occlusion.
Scott Carpenter
There is too much red light in the cockpit from the time correlation. Venus at above the—horizon.
Scott Carpenter
Roger. Things axe going very well. My status is very good. The capsule status is very good. The control mode is normal. Automatic gyros normal and maneuver off. Fuel is 72-100 [percent]. Oxygen 88-100 [percent]. Everything is normal with the exception of—-the fact that I am a tad behind in the flight plan. Over.
Okay. Blood pressure starting. We suggest that you do not exercise during the blood pressure since your temp is up.
Scott Carpenter
Roger. This is the story on the suit temp. I have increased two 10-degree marks since lift-off. And now about—well, 15 degrees above launch mark. My steam vent temperatures read 69 and 80 [degrees]. I'll take one more stab at increasing or decreasing temperature by increasing flow rate. If this doesn't work, I'll turn them off and start lower. Over.
Rog, Understand. I'll give you some retrotimes while you're sending blood pressure. End of orbit is 01 28 18. End of mission is 04 32 28.
Scott Carpenter
Roger. Understand. End of orbit 01 28 18 and 04 32 28 for end of orbit. Over. End of mission.
Spoken on May 24, 1962, 1:11 p.m. UTC (62 years, 9 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet