Scott Carpenter

I have gotten badly behind in the flight plan now.

Expand selection up Contract selection down Close
Scott Carpenter

Okay, evaluating capsule stability at this time. The capsule is most stable.

Scott Carpenter

I seem able to put it at zero rates. All right, I will do that now. At capsule elapsed 02 17 32, I will zero out all rates.

Scott Carpenter

That's as close to zero as I can make it. At 02 17 49, my rates are zero and attitudes are zero plus, or at zero, minus 3, minus 48. Let those rest awhile, and I'll see what we can do about suit temperature.

Scott Carpenter

Cabin is rising. Suit temperature seems to be rising too. I'm going to let it go out until 02 25 00 to see if this is going to bring it down some.

Scott Carpenter

I don't need to exercise. I really don't feel I need the exercise. I would get too warm.

Scott Carpenter

We'll be getting to Muchea shortly.

Scott Carpenter

Have a slight pitch up rate at this time, at 02 19 13. I'll zero that out, now. Fly-by-wire—have a slight yaw left rate—I'll zero out now. Attitudes at this time are minus 30.

Scott Carpenter

Both busses are okay. All—let's see—number two battery is down to 22. One, is 24; three, is 24; standby one and two, are 24; isolated, is 27; main, is 23; main IBU, is 27. Two—two is now up. Main battery number two is up.

Scott Carpenter

I am over the dark side now. The moonrise has not occurred and although I still see the lighted area from the setting sun behind us.

Scott Carpenter

Now, I do have the haze layer at this time. It seems to be brighter than—it's good to open the cabin, open the visor.

Scott Carpenter

The reticle now extincts at about 5.6.

Scott Carpenter

Hello, Muchea Cap Com. Aurora Seven. Loud and clear. How me?


Read you loud and clear also. What's your status?

Scott Carpenter

Roger. My status is good; control mode is fly-by-wire; gyros normal; maneuver off. Fuel is 45-6-70 [percent], that's 45-70 [percent], and oxygen is 84-100 [percent]. I have only one minor problem, and that is my inability to get the suit steam vent temperature down, Deke.


Roger What's it running now?

Scott Carpenter

Well, I'm reading 70 [degrees]. I'm really a little at a loss as to how to get it down, my suit—-water valve is set now past the marks. This doesn't seem to being it down, and neither does putting it . . . negative. That's wrong. The cabin was past the marks. The suit temperature is at prelaunch value of about four. I'm going to go to a setting of plus 6 at this time and see if that will bring it down below 70 [degrees]. Over.


Okay. Fine. We're indicating 84 [degrees] suit which is a bit high.

Scott Carpenter

Roger My gage shows 7, 76 [degrees] on the suit.


Okay. Let me give you a couple of retrotimes here. You have a 2 Dog nominal; Gold is 03 . . . 29; Hotel 04 32 26.

Scott Carpenter

Roger Understand 26.


We're including your clock is still one second slow.


G.m.t. hack of 15 10 42—-mark.


Editor's note: this is 02 25 25 in Capsule Elapsed Time

Scott Carpenter

Roger. I'm right on and so is the backup.


Roger. Would you send us a blood pressure, please?

Scott Carpenter

Starting. Roger. Starting now.


What mode of communications are you using at this time?

Scott Carpenter

I am on UHF high, Deke.


Fine. Roger. Would you try using your mike button once instead of your VOX. See how this comes in.

Scott Carpenter

Roger Soon as I get through the blood pressure. I can do it now.

Scott Carpenter

This is using the push to talk. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. How now?


I see no difference. They're identical.

Scott Carpenter

Roger: is the modulation pretty good?

Scott Carpenter

Capsule stability, Deke, is very, very, good. I've noticed that I can put in a 1-degree-per-second rate on the needle just by moving heads and arms,—my head and arms. Over.


Very good, excellent. For your information, there will be no flares at Woomera on this pass, since the cloud cover won't allow you to see them anyway.

Expand selection down Contract selection up

Spoken on May 24, 1962, 3:01 p.m. UTC (62 years, 4 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Scott Carpenter

Roger. I was unsuccessful last pass.


Okay, I'm going to send you a Z cal at this time.


Z cal is coming off.


On with R cal.

Scott Carpenter

Blood pressure stop.


Blood pressure stop. Okay, we're going to oscillate R cal a couple of times here in attempt to reset our temperature problem.