What was that on your yaw?

Scott Carpenter

I have the yaw needle on the 250 stop.

Scott Carpenter

I will not cage until after I get rid of the balloon, and then I can start a slow yaw to the left to pick it off the stop.


Roger. Can you turn your wobulator on now and leave it on?

Scott Carpenter

Roger. It has been on, and I haven't touched it.


Roger. Understand.

Scott Carpenter

Do you want it off?


Roger. On and off in approximately 20-second intervals.

Scott Carpenter

Okay, wobulator going off—Now.


Roger. We're relaying this.

Scott Carpenter

Am I in a position to do a 360 [degree] roll for them at this time?


Your 00 yaw; you do have a yaw input in.

Scott Carpenter

Could we do this 360 [degree] roll on this pass at White Sands?


Aurora Seven, Cape Cap Com.

Scott Carpenter

Roger Cape. Loud and clear and break, break. Guaymas, the wobulator is back on now.

Scott Carpenter

Roger Cape. Go ahead.


Roger Aurora Seven, Cape Cap Com back on HF. Give me your report.

Scott Carpenter

Roger. Control mode, manual; gyros normal; the maneuver switch is off. Fuel is 45-45 [percent]; oxygen is 70 [percent], or, correction, oxygen is 80 and 100 [percent]. Suit temperature is 68 [degrees], now and coming down pretty well. Suit steam vent temperature is 69 [degrees], and beginning to be a little more comfortable. Over.


Roger: and how do you feel, now?

Expand selection up Expand selection down Close

Spoken on May 24, 1962, 3:53 p.m. UTC (62 years, 9 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Scott Carpenter

I feel pretty good. Still warm.


Okay, sounds like you'll be all right.


Did you—your normal balloon release time will be 3 plus 34, Scott?


Roger, can you describe the balloon and its actions a little to us?

Scott Carpenter

Yes, it has a random drift. There is no oscillation that I can predict whatsoever. The—the line leading to the balloon sometimes is tight; sometimes is loose—loose enough, so that there are loops in it. Its—its behaviour is strictly random as far as I can tell. The balloon is not inflated well either. It's an oblong shape out there, rather than a round figure; and I believe when the sun is on it, the day-glow orange is the most brilliant, and the silver. That's about all I can tell you, Gus.


Roger. Surgeon suggests that you drink as much water as you can. Drink it as often as you can.


Retrosequence times for area 3 B and 3 C are nominal.

Scott Carpenter

3 B and 3 C nominal. Roger.


And we recommend you go to normal on your gyros with the maneuver switch off.

Scott Carpenter

Roger. The gyros are normal and the maneuver switch is off.


Would you give us your—your temperature control valve settings, please?

Scott Carpenter

Roger, suit is 7.5, cabin is about 10. That's 10 on the cabin and 5 on the inverters. Over.


Stand by for Z cal.

Scott Carpenter

Roger, standing by.

Scott Carpenter

Mark a tensiometer reading. It's as tight as I've—as it gets.


Aurora Seven, Cap Com.

Scott Carpenter

Go ahead, Cap Com.


. . . drifting flight yet?


Have you done any drifting flight?

Scott Carpenter

That is Roger. And if I am to save fuel for retrosequence, I think I better start again. Over.


Roger, I agree with you.