Scott Carpenter

The cabin temperature has dropped considerable now, and the setting I have on the suit is 7.

Scott Carpenter

Am going to increase it just a tad more.

Scott Carpenter

My suit valve, water valve temperature now is—about 8.

Scott Carpenter

Hello, hello, Kano Cap Com, Aurora Seven. Reading you loud and clear. How me?

Scott Carpenter

I've noticed that every time I turn over to the right everything seems vertical, but I am upside down.

Scott Carpenter

Now, for the record.

Scott Carpenter

I still feel that, I could easily feel like I am coming in on my back.

Scott Carpenter

I could very easily come in from another planet, and feel that I am on my—on my back, and that earth is up above me, but that's sorta the way you feel when you come out of split S, or out of an Immelmann.


Keno on HF. If you read me, the surgeon requests that you take a blood-pressure check now, a blood-pressure check for the onboard record. Over.

Scott Carpenter

Roger. Reading you, Keno, loud and clear. Blood pressure start at this time.

Scott Carpenter

Visor is coming closed now.


Aurora Seven, Aurora Seven, this is Kano Cap Com. If you read me, would you do a blood-pressure check for the onboard records. Over.

Scott Carpenter

Okay. I'm taking the—I've taken the big back off; going to record only, at this time. Have taken the big back off of the camera and trying to get some more MIT film at this time. The filter is in. The cassette—is in the camera.

Scott Carpenter

The zero g senta sensations are wonderful. This is the first time I've ever worn this suit and had it comfortable.

Scott Carpenter

I don't know which way I'm pointed, and don't particularly care.


In paper 7, Astronaut Carpenter is quoted as follows: "Times when the gyros were caged and nothing was visible out the window, I had no idea where the earth was in relation to the spacecraft. However, it did not seem important to me. I knew at all times that I had only to wait and the earth would again appear in the window."

Scott Carpenter

Roger. At this time I am hearing Kano calling for a blood-pressure check. I will give it to him now. Let's see, I have fuel 45-43, still would like to get just a little rate—just a little one.

Scott Carpenter

Let's see, we wanta go back that way.

Scott Carpenter

I can't see any relationship between thruster action and the fireflies.

Scott Carpenter

Mark MIT pictures to 3 35 36, crank two by—at infinity.

Scott Carpenter

Coastal passage over Africa.

Scott Carpenter

I'm taking many MIT pictures, at capsule elapsed [time] 03 38 38. It will be the only chance we have. I might as well use up all the film.

Scott Carpenter

Hello, Indian Com Tech, Aurora Seven. Loud and clear. How me?

Comm Tech

Aurora Seven, this is IOS Com Tech, on HF and UHF. How do you read? Over.

Scott Carpenter

Roger Loud and clear. How me, Indian Cap Com?


Aurora Seven, this is Indian Cap Com. I did not read all of your transmission, but the part I monitored was loud and clear. Go ahead.

Scott Carpenter

Roger. My status is good, the capsule status is good. I am in drifting flight on manual control. Gyros are caged. The fuel reads 45-42 [percent], oxygen 79-100 [percent]. Steam vent temperatures both read 65 [degrees] now; suit temperature has gone down nicely. It is now 62 [degrees], and all the power is good. The blood pressure is starting at this time. I've just finished taking some MIT pictures, and that is all I have to report at this time.


Roger, Aurora Seven. I copy your control mode manual; gyro caged; fuel 45-42 [percent]; oxygen 79-100 [percent]; and I did not hear the last part of your transmission. How do—

Scott Carpenter

Roger. My status is good; the suit temperature has reduced considerably; steam vent temperatures now read 69 [degrees] on cabin and suit, suit temperature is 62 [degrees], and cabin temperature is 101 [degrees]. Over.


Roger. Suit temperature 62 [degrees], and cabin temperature 101 [degrees]. Your blood pressure is starting—and understand you are on the manual. Understand also you are drifting for awhile.

Scott Carpenter

That is Roger. I am.

Scott Carpenter

I am on manual control. I am allowing the capsule to drift. Over.

Scott Carpenter

Also another departure from the plan is the fact that I have been unable to jettison the balloon. The balloon is still attached—should be no problem.


Roger. Understand no problem expected, but balloon is still attached. Stand by.


Aurora Seven, this is Indian Cap Com. All our retrosequence times are nominal. Do you want me to call them out to you? Over.

Scott Carpenter

Negative. I have them all, thank you.


Aurora Seven, your last transcription was unreadable. You are fading badly, although intermittently. I will read retrosequence times in the blind. Area 3 Delta, 04 12 32, 04 12 32; Echo 04 22 27; 3 Echo 04 22 27; and the last . . . we have is 04 32 26… now and your capsule clock is still within 1 second.

Scott Carpenter

Roger, Kano. I copied all that.


Roger, Aurora. You were loud and clear.

Scott Carpenter

The sunsets are most spectacular. The earth is black after the sun has set. The earth is black; the first band close to the earth is red, the next is yellow; the next is blue; the next is green; and the next is sort of a—sort of a purple. It's almost like a very brilliant rainbow. It extends at some


Indian Cap Com. Check you see about all colors between the horizon and the night sky. You seem to see more layers than Friendship Seven.

Scott Carpenter

Roger. These layers extend from at least 90 degrees either side of the sun at sunset.


Aurora Seven, I did not hear your whole sentence. Will you repeat, please? Over.

Expand selection down Contract selection up

Spoken on May 24, 1962, 4:26 p.m. UTC (62 years, 4 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Scott Carpenter

Roger. This bright horizon band extends at least 90° north and south of the position of the sunset.


Roger. Understand. About the balloon, does Mercury Control Center know you did not—

Scott Carpenter

Yes. I tried to release it over their station and was unable to do so. You might remind them that the balloon is still on.


Roger, Aurora Seven. Understand.


Aurora Seven, Indian Cap Com. Your inverter temperatures are 183 [degrees] for the 150, and 195 [degrees] for the 250. All your other primaries check out okay on telemetry.

Scott Carpenter

Roger. Thank you very much.