Scott Carpenter
Okay, I think they held well, Al. The—I think they were good. I can't tell you what was wrong about them because the gyros were not quite right. But retrojettison—3 fuse switches are on.
Scott Carpenter
That was a nice gentle bump. All three have fired. Retroattitude was red.
Expand selection up Contract selection down Close -
Scott Carpenter
The balloon is gone [out of sight]. I am apparently out of manual fuel. I have to go to fly-by-wire to stop this tumbling.
- Note
Tumbling here refers to low rates of all axes; however, the spacecraft was returned to proper attitude by the pilot before it had made 1/4 revolution.
Scott Carpenter
I am out of manual fuel, Al.
Expand selection down Contract selection up -
I was just looking over your reentry checklist. Looks like you're in pretty good shape. You'll have to manually retract the scope.
Scott Carpenter
Okay. I can make out very, very small—farm land, pasture land below. I see individual fields, rivers, lakes, roads, I think. I'll get back to reentry attitude.
Roger Seven, recommend you get close to reentry attitude, using as little fuel as possible and stand by on fly-by-wire until rates develop. Over.
Scott Carpenter
Fuel is 15 [percent] auto. I'm indicating 7 [percent] manual, but it is empty and ineffective.
Spoken on May 24, 1962, 5:19 p.m. UTC (62 years, 9 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet