Comm Tech
Aurora Seven, Aurora Seven, this is California Com Tech, California Com Tech. Do you hear? Over.
Scott Carpenter
Roger. Control mode is manual, gyros normal, maneuver off. Fuel is 45-50 [percent]. Balloon is out. Oxygen 81-100 [percent]. And my status is good. The capsule status is good, except I'm unable to get a reasonable suit steam exhaust temperature. Still reading 70 [degrees]. Over.
Roger, seems to me as long as suit inlet is going down that you could continue to increase flow until you feel comfortable.
General Kraft is still somewhat concerned about auto fuel. Use as little auto; use no auto fuel unless you have to prior to retrosequence time. And I think maybe you might increase flow to your inverter heat exchanger to try to bring the temperature down. They are not critical yet, however.
Scott Carpenter
Roger, I have gone from 4 to 5 on the inverter at this time. And I think I'll increase just a tad on the suit.
Scott Carpenter
All right now, I'm beginning to get all of those various particles, they—they're way out. I can see some that are a 100 feet out.
Scott Carpenter
No, I'm still perspiring, Al. I think I'll open up the visor and take a drink of water.
Scott Carpenter
Okay, there's your blood pressure. I took about 20 swallows of water. Tasted pretty good.
Roger, Seven. We're sure of that, we're getting Alpha times and—Hotel. You have Hotel, I know. How about 3 Alpha?
Scott Carpenter
Roger, and Mark now a tensiometer reading. It's as tight as I've seen the string. Mark another tensiometer reading.
Roger, we're reading you loud and clear. We'd like to conduct a wobulator test here. We use White Sands whenever you give us the word.